Burzum - The Ways Of Yore

Release date : June 2nd, 2014
Label : Byelobog Productions
::: Burzum/The Ways Of Yore :::
:: Norway Ambient Black Metal ::

Burzum Line Up
Varg Vikernes : All instruments, Vocals

1. God from the Machine  01:40  instrumental
2. The Portal  02:19   instrumental
3. Heill Óðinn  03:11
4. The Lady in the Lake  04:39
5. The Coming of Ettins  04:36
6. The Reckoning of Man  07:16
7. Heil Freyja  01:56  
8. The Ways of Yore  06:11
9. Ek fellr (I Am Falling) 02:54  
10. Hall of the Fallen 05:06
11. Autumn Leaves  04:50 instrumental
12. Emptiness  13:13 instrumental
13. To Hel and Back Again 10:44  instrumental

The artwork was taken from Gustave Doré's illustration of for the poetry book "Idylls of the King"by Alfred Tennyson. The present image illustrates Merlin. Another picture from the same series was used by Dimmu Borgir on their "For All Tid" album.

The songs "Emptiness" and "To Hel and Back Again" are re-recorded versions of the songs "Tomhet" (off Burzum's 1994 album Hvis lyset tar oss) and "Til Hel og tilbake igjen" (off Fallen, 2011), respectively.

Recording information:
Produced and mixed by Burzum.
Design and layout by Dan Capp and Burzum.

Barcode: 0803341434646
Matrix: SOUND PERFORMANCE (logo) 0208 691 2121 BYE012CD
Mastering SID: IFPI LT23
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