Epica- The Quantum Enigma

Label: Nuclear Blast
Release date:May 2nd, 2014
[[[_Epica-The Quantum Enigma_]]]
[[ Netherlands Symphonic Power Gothic Metal ]]
Rob van der Loo.  Bass
Isaac Delahaye.  Guitars (lead, acoustic, classical)
Ariën van Weesenbeek.  Drums, Vocals (harsh)
Simone Simons.  Vocals (female)
Coen Janssen. Keyboards, Piano
Mark Jansen.  Guitars (rhythm), Vocals (harsh) 
1. Originem 02:11
2. The Second Stone 05:00
3. The Essence of Silence 04:47
4. Victims of Contingency 03:31
5. Sense Without Sanity (The Impervious Code) 07:42
6. Unchain Utopia 04:45
7. The Fifth Guardian (Interlude) 03:04 instrumental
8. Chemical Insomnia 05:12
9. Reverence (Living in the Heart) 05:02
10. Omen (The Ghoulish Malady) 05:28
11. Canvas of Life 05:28
12. Natural Corruption 05:24
13. The Quantum Enigma (Kingdom of Heaven Part II) 11:53
Bonus CD:
01.  Canvas of Life - Acoustic version
02.  In All Conscience - Acoustic version
03.  Dreamscape - Acoustic version
04.  Natural Corruption - Acoustic version

Recording information:
Recorded at Sandlane Recording Facilities in The Netherlands between September 2013 and January 2014.
Mixed at Hansen Studios, Denmark.
Mastered at Amsterdam Mastering.

Barcode (Printed): 7 27361 32222 9
Barcode (String): 727361322229
Matrix / Runout: CAP02419 NB3222-2DLT 01 Technicolor
Mastering SID Code: IFPILR79
Rights Society: GEMA
Label Code: LC 07027
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